2025 Conservation Poster Contest Registration


Each teacher or group leader must register separately and provide direct contact information so we can contact you if your student wins. First and second place district winners from each grade band will be forwarded to the state competition in the summer.

Once you have completed the registration fields, click the “Add to Cart” button. 

If you have any questions please contact Callie Sommers at Cuyahoga SWCD, csommers@cuyahogaswcd.org.

Poster Contest Registration

Total: $0.00


Each teacher or group leader must register separately and provide direct contact information so we can contact you if your student wins. First and second place district winners from each grade band will be forwarded to the state competition in the summer.

If you have any questions please contact Callie Sommers at Cuyahoga SWCD, csommers@cuyahogaswcd.org.