Master Rain Gardener – In-Person


Train to be a Master Rain Gardener!
Learn to design and install your own rain garden and become the rain garden expert in your neighborhood.

Rain gardens capture and soak in rainwater that runs off hard surfaces like roofs and driveways while filtering pollutants that would otherwise flow to our storm drains and into our creeks and streams.


Class Details:
The Master Rain Gardener in-person course includes four classes over a four-week period. Classes also include homework, quizzes, and individualized feedback.

By the end you have your rain garden all planned out, and you are ready to dig, build a rain garden and become a Master Rain Gardener!

Light snacks will be provided.

Certification Routes

Participants must complete all coursework and then plant a new rain garden.

We recognize that not everyone can build a rain garden on their own property though, so you can also become certified by participating in a public rain garden building, volunteering at a public rain garden, or passing along your new expertise to the public (i.e. presenting to your garden club, at a public library, etc.). We will provide resources to guide you.

Upon certification, you’ll receive a Master Rain Gardener t-shirt, sign, and certificate (included in the cost of registration).


Professional Certification:

Are you a professional looking to market your rain garden design or installation skills? Chagrin River Watershed Partners offers a Professional Certification geared toward landscape professionals and contractors looking to install rain gardens professionally on residential properties. Learn more about that option here.


Additional information about the Master Rain Gardener Program here.