Now you can pledge allegiance to the environment by signing one or all of our pledges! We will send you a follow up reminder and free gift (while supplies last).
Winter is coming! Sign this pledge and you will learn how to salt properly to avoid slips and help the environment. Our mug is the perfect size to put salt in that will cover 10 sidewalk squares (250 sq. feet). Unfortunately, it’s not the perfect size to mail out to you, so if you want a mug, call our office at 216/524-6580, ext. 1005 to arrange pick up. But sign the pledge anyway and use any coffee mug until you get one of ours.
We’ve all seen litter on the roads and on the beaches. Sign this pledge and you will get a litter bag for your car or boat to store your trash until you can throw it away or recycle it later! (Be sure to include your address at the end of the pledge!!)
There are 90,000 registered dogs in Cuyahoga County alone. A dog poops an average of two times a day. That is 45 TONS of dog poop a day. Holy crap! Dog waste left on the ground is not only gross, it is a hazard to our environment. Dog waste contains bacteria and parasites that when it rains or snow melts can run off into our waterways. Take the pledge and we will send you a dog bandana that reads “This is a nudge to pick up my fudge!”
Connect with us with questions, to learn more, and to get involved!