Under Ohio EPA’s Stormwater Program, communities in urbanized areas of Ohio are required to meet a number of minimum control measures (MCMs) to reduce pollution to our local waterways. Minimum Control Measure #4- Construction Site Runoff Control, requires erosion and sediment controls on construction sites that disturb one or more acres of land. These practices keep soil, sediments, and other potential pollutants in place and do not allow them to migrate offsite. Many municipalities in Cuyahoga County contract with Cuyahoga SWCD to provide plan review, inspection, and reporting services for construction projects in their community. Our Stormwater Team works closely with municipal engineers, construction site contractors, and property owners to minimize runoff and pollution from construction sites throughout the county.
EPA Construction Site Runoff Factsheet
Ch 1.3 RWLDM Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Overview
Ch 8 RWLDM Additional Construction Site Pollution Prevention & Small Site
EPA Construction Site Inspection Checklist
RWLDM Appendix 2 NPDES Permits for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Sites
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