2025 Stormwater Run-Off | Presenting Sponsor


Cuyahoga SWCD is excited to bring the Stormwater Run-Off 5k and 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk back for a 2nd year on October 5, 2025.  Participants will run/walk the Towpath Trail and learn about stormwater and different ways to slow it down, spread it out, and soak it in.

We are equally excited to offer your organization the opportunity to join in the fun and build community awareness through sponsorship of this event.

At the Presenting Sponsor level, sponsors receive the following:

  • -20 free event registrations
  • -pre-event media recognition: Cuyahoga SWCD website and e-newsletter, event press release, and 4 social media posts – including a featured post
  • -post-event media recognition: Cuyahoga SWCD website and e-newsletter, 2 social media posts
  • -logo featured at RUN-Off start/finsih line
  • -giveaway/promotional item in partcipant swag bags


Additionally, a portion of your sponsorship benefits our Conservation Action Grant and Scholarship Program which helps to reduce the financial barriers of adopting conservation practices at home and in our community.

If you have any questions about the event or a potential sponsorship, please contact Amy Roskilly at aroskilly@cuyahogaswcd.org or 216-503-1317.

Not ready to sponsor?  We still look forward to seeing you there and hope you’ll share our event with your colleagues and partners! A pdf flyer and social media graphic are attached. Thank you for helping us spread the word about this fun event!

